Aspens, Kaibab Plateau, Arizona
For years I had wanted to visit the lovely forests of the Kaibab Plateau, immediately north of the Grand Canyon. There are exquisite engravings in the John Wesley Powell book The Exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons, which include some of the Kaibab. When I was younger I would often daydream of meeting one of my favorite photographers while walking through the Sierra Nevada. I never did. Instead I met them in their homes or in offices, but while endeavoring to make photographs of the Canyon from the north rim, I finally had such an experience. It stands to reason that such a thing would happen there, because there are very few spots on the north rim to see into the Canyon, and so they act as concentrators of we geographically rarefied landscape aficionados. I saw a photographer at work and recognized immediately by his behavior that he was someone I would know. I asked with a smile, "Are you someone I know?" He replied "Are you someone I know?" I continued, "I am Holmes." He said, "Joseph Holmes?" I smiled, and he said, "I'm Jeff Gnass!" After finishing our photographs, we jabbered on, long into the darkness, then drove off, down the long, windy road toward our campsites. After speaking with him and following him along that road, I also knew instinctively that he too had taken pleasure in racing bicycles. He confirmed my suspicion the following day, beside another of the park roads.