August 6th, 2024

"Trump" Revealed

My take on what makes him tick:

1) His only goal in life is to prove to himself that he’s the ultimate “winner” and “killer”, meaning simply that he has to get the better of more people, in bigger ways, than anyone else.

2) His remarkably absolute devotion to that perverse goal gives him an extraordinary ability to get good people to believe him, no matter what he says.

3) He harbors good will toward precisely no one.

4) He is necessarily, therefore, never honest in public and ready, without hesitation, to sacrifice the world to further his sociopathic quest.

Simple.  Pure.  Remarkable.  But also the Biggest Loser in American history, by virtue of being the most loathsome person in American history, having now easily eclipsed the prior Biggest Loser, Joe McCarthy, by many a mile.  The irony being that by trying so very hard and with so much success toward his lifelong obsession, that he has assured his spot at the top of the list of America's biggest losers and worst enemies of all time

And yes, it is revolting that I have to defile my beautiful website by even mentioning the sick little boy who became America's Hitler.  Just as we, the American People, have had to waste literally hundreds of billions of hours dealing with the little shit.